Thursday, July 30, 2009

Just a few fun and silly things

Well here is a short video of JC playing on the floor this morning. He is getting very active now. I am anxious about Monday and leaving him at the daycare for the first time. I am completely at peace about the place we are leaving him, just sad that the time has passed so quickly. It is going to be a rough time in the Mayo house for the next few weeks. Drew will start school on 8/10, that I think is going to be harder than daycare! We are in full swing of "band season". Jim will be out of the house a good bit and I will be on my own more than I am really ready for. But God will be my strength. Today we spent our last day home all together by going to the Aquatic Center in Tunica with my mom. We had a great time. JC loved being in the water. Mom sat and held him most of the time in the really shallow part of the kiddie pool. It is a really nice facility and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for some indoor water fun!

I have a couple of really cute stories to share! The first one is a Drew story. About a week ago Drew decided he wanted to try some of my diet Mountain Dew with dinner. So far he really likes Coke, Dr. Pepper, and now Mountain Dew. So as we were eating Drew ask where Mountain Dew comes from. I think at first I told him Wal-Mart, since that is where I bought it. Then he concocted this story about how Mountain Dew comes from the top of mountains. Jim decided to get in on the story and told him that there is an old man on the mountain that brings the dew down and that is how we get Mountain Dew and the old man's name is Cleatis! Totally crazy!!! Apparently it has stuck because we have been discussing vacation options for next year and talked about going to the mountains. He told us he wants to go to the mountains so that he can go up on the mountain and bring down the Mountain Dew! That will be a good one to tell him about later in life!

The next story is a JC story. I am very happy to say that in the 9 weeks that JC has been with us I have not gotten majorly spit up on and messed on or anything gross like that. Well that all changed today. I was giving him a bath just a while ago. He really likes bath time and he has been really sleepy today since our swimming excursion so he was really just kinda chilling in the bathtub. I was done bathing him and just rinsing his hair of the shampoo. Jim was standing there talking to him about how relaxed he was in the bathtub and all of a sudden he starting peeing! And the fountain of pee hit me right on the front of my shirt! Not how I really wanted to end my day! And to top it all off, after he did it he broke out with a huge smile as if he knew exactly what he had done and found it to be incredibly funny! Needless to say mommy got a bath tonight too!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

2 Months Old

JC is 2 months old today. It is really hard for me to believe that 2 months has passed. It truly has gone by quickly. On another blog that I read a mom made her monthly post on her new baby a list of many of the important things in her child's life so I am going to copy her idea!

JC at 2 months old I am not sure of your exact length and weight because we have not been back to the dr. We will do that this Saturday and I will post that info then. But here is a list of several other important facts about you at 2 months:
1. You have slept through the night for the last 4 nights! Last bottle of the night has been at 9pm and you have not gotten up again to eat until 5 am!!
2. You wear 3-6 month clothing. Some of it is very roomy but there is no getting you back in the 0-3 month clothes!
3. You wear size 2 diapers.
4. You take 6 oz of formula at each feeding.
5. You are still going with mom to work 3 days a week. We only have one more week together before you start going to daycare and mom starts working full time again. :-(
6. You love being in the bouncy seat and have started to like swinging more and more.
7. Fortunately you no longer care for the boppy pillow because your brother likes to use it to watch Saturday morning cartoons!

8. You are beginning to really like bath time, even when your brother helps!

9. You are still an incredibly good baby who rarely cries except when you are hungry, although you have become a bit spoiled and do like to be held. You also like to have your mama in your line of vision most of the time when you are awake, and I love it!!
10. You are starting to talk to us a good bit and get more and more active everyday!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Oh, where to begin...

There is so much to share in this post I am not sure where to begin so I am just going to try starting from the point of the last post.

The first item I wanted to share with you is in the picture below.

Drew decided he wanted to try to ride his bike without training wheels! His timing wasn't the greatest, Jim was in the middle of mowing the yard when he decided he HAD to try RIGHT NOW! It was one of the moments that you want to say no but think that you should not squash their excitement over something. So Jim stopped mowing and took the training wheels off and then helped him as JC and I watched. Jim was rushing to get the grass mowed before a storm was going to come through that evening and Drew knew that. The really funny part was that as they were going along Drew told Jim it was raining on him, now the rain had not started yet, but Drew insisted that he felt rain. As it turned out it was actually sweat dripping from Jim onto Drew's head! Needless to say they both had to have a bath that night! I think in this pic Jim had just told him it was sweat hitting him and not rain!

Now let me share the excitement and drama of our weekend! We have acquired a new old vehicle! It is a mini van so now I officially look like a soccer mom cruising around town! It is a very old van with many, many miles on it but we bought it from some friends and know that it was well cared for and loved on! We still have my car. We hope to be able to drive the van for 2 years and then the car will be paid for. At that time we anticipate buying another newer used van. Drew loves the van, to him it is as good as a new one! It is so nice to have room to move around and put lots of grocery bags! Now let me get to the drama part of things. We acquired the van on Saturday night. After coming home from getting it and putting the boys to bed Jim and I were enjoying some quiet moments as we got ready for bed. We were talking about how great it was that we had gotten the van and how it would help us to keep from running the miles up on the car so badly. Suddenly I heard something that sounded like dripping water. I told Jim to listen. After a moment in horror I tell Jim he has got to get in the attic immediately! You see we have a roof that leaks and really needs to be replaced but we need it to last another year before we can afford to replace it. The leaks have been fixed but a new roof is needed. Also we installed a new tankless water heater last week. So we did not know what to expect to find when Jim reached the attic. We ran for the garage where the attic stairs are. In order to get the attic stairs down the vehicle in the garage has to be moved back some. The van was in the garage because we had gotten it all ready with the kids seats in order to go to church in it on Sunday. Jim got in the van and it would not crank! At this point I am beginning to panic b/c there is a leak up there and now the new vehicle will not start! So Jim put it in neutral and eased it back and then went to the attic. It was our new water heater leaking from one of the connectors. Jim attempted to tighten it and the plastic piece broke. So the water heater had to be turned completely off, meaning no hot water for the night. It would be Sunday before the piece could be replaced. So we moved on to the task of dealing with the van. We discovered that a light had been left on in it so we believed the battery was dead. We jumped it off and pulled it back in the garage and went to bed very exhausted and after midnight! Sunday morning broke and we were up early trying to get ready for church. We took COLD showers, not fun and prepared to go to church. Jim went out to check the van and it was dead again. So we decided it was not a good idea to jump it off and take it to church but that we should go in the car and deal with the van after church. We load up in the car, trying to explain to Drew why he cannot ride in the new van. All was good until we tried to lower the garage door, and now it would not work. So Jim goes into the garage to determine what was wrong with it. Now we are getting a bit frustrated, we just replaced the garage door and the opener this last year. After about 5 minutes of no luck in determining what the problem was, Jim looked at the sensor and realized a moth was on one of the sensors. He got it off and the garage went down as it should. At this point I was laughing hysterically in the car. I just felt there was nothing else I could do but laugh at it all. I told Jim that God must be up to something really special at church that day because Satan did not want us there! Thankfully my dad came by when they got out of church and fixed the water heater. We actually had hot water when we came home from church. Then after lunch Jim worked on the van and ended up having to buy a new battery, but now it runs great! We felt like we had navigated some very stormy waters and had done a good job of being dependent on the Lord through it. Now today we had another curve thrown at us in that another connector on the water heater broke. Both of the pieces that broke were plastic and have been replaced with brass, so hopefully we are beyond the issues with it. I will say that I freaked out a whole lot more today then on Saturday and Sunday. Of course this time was a bit more traumatic because it actually ended up leaking into our bathroom ceiling. The damage is minimal and can be covered with paint, eventually. I pray that we are beyond these house issues because we are out of money!!

Now on to some good stuff!
I missed the 7 week update that should have come last Tuesday so now I am doing an 8 week update! JC is 8 weeks old, he will be 2 month on Sunday. I cannot hardly believe it. The last week has brought some issues and changes. Issues are that we had to switch bottles. He was having too much trouble with the Avent bottles causing him gas and discomfort. He is now using Playtex VentAire bottles and doing much better. After we made the switch to these bottles he has slowed down on the amount of formula he is taking. He is now only taking 6oz at a time. I think that perhaps on the old bottles he was spitting so much of it out and struggling that it was taking more of it to satisfy, so we are glad that now he is eating better and not quite as much since that stuff is expensive! He is on a really nice schedule now. He takes a night time bottle around 6:30-7:00pm and usually stays awake until about 9:00pm. He will then sleep until 3:30-4:00am. At that time he takes a 4oz bottle and goes back to sleep until about 7:00am. So we are getting more sleep at night which is very nice! The pictures below are one from last week and one from yesterday, so I am kinda making up for the 7 week one by posting the older pic!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Time is flying...

Wow time is passing so quickly lately. We only have 3 more weeks until I am officially back at work full time and JC will be going to daycare then. We have 4 more weeks before Drew starts kindergarten! I am thinking that I will be a bundle of emotions those first 2 weeks of August! I am trying to make the most of my days at home but it certainly seems that our days fill up quickly. That isn't so much a bad thing, it is a good indication that we are all getting readjusted to our new normal of being a family of 4. JC is really an extremely good baby. He goes with us where ever we go and isn't fussy at all except when hungry or dirty. We have made some progress this week on getting to a sleeping through the night kind of schedule. He is now taking 7oz of formula at a normal feeding and at bed time (approx 9-10pm)he takes an 8 oz bottle! Yes, he is a big boy!

I do not know why I have such a complex about him being a chubby, big baby. I guess it is because I worry that he will be fat like his momma! Also Drew was always a skinny little thing, of course he was 3 1/2 weeks pre-mature and quite a bit smaller than JC. He is very healthy, I will say that! Last night he took the 8 oz bottle at 10:30pm and was asleep about 11pm and stayed that way until 4:30am! So that was 6 hours between bottles. He had another 7 oz bottle at 8:30 this morning so we will see what the remainder of the day and tonight holds. At this rate I anticipate introducing him to cereal within the next 4-5 weeks. It is amazing how much you forget when you go over 5 years between kids! I cannot seem to remember any of this with Drew or when I increased the formula or gave him cereal. My advice to any new mom would be to keep a journal of EVERYTHING!!!! One day you will need to look back on it as a refresher course for #2!
Here is JC chilling in the bathtub trying to suck on his hand! This is a new thing he has started doing. He still wants the paci but some of the time if the paci is not there he will suck on the hand and be content.

Drew is still as good a big brother as ever! He amazes Jim and I in that he is never quiet! His mouth runs constantly from the time he gets out of bed until we put him back in it! We tell everyone that we will not be encouraging JC to speak! HA! He is just a typical 5 year old boy, curious about the world around him and all that his mom and dad are doing. We are sure that his mouth will be his downfall as he begins school. He will undoubtedly be in trouble for the constant talking. We only hope he will learn quickly as he did last year in 4K. Last night he decided to put on the baby bib that was sitting next to JC as we were getting ready to go somewhere. Of course he did not mind posing for pictures in it because he is an absolute ham!

As far as I am doing I had my 6 week check up on Tuesday. All was good and I am released from the doctor until time for my annual exam in a year. I was very pleased that I have lost 23lbs since delivering JC and 15lbs of that was from my pre-pregnancy weight! I have been exercising every day and sticking to my gestational diabetes diet although with some modifications. I am not as strict about the carbs and I do indulge in some desserts from time to time. Overall though I am just trying to adopt a more healthy lifestyle.

Well that is what is going on with the Mayos! Hope all our friends and family are enjoying their summer! Ta ta for now, until next time!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

JC 6 Weeks Old

It has been 6 weeks today! Time is passing so very quickly. Much has been going on in the last week. We had our pictures made last Thursday. They have come out so wonderfully!! I am going to be attaching a slide show for you to see of all the proofs of the pictures we had made. I will also have a couple of pics of JC from the last week. JC is getting much bigger. He smiles and cues a lot. He is getting a bit spoiled too. There have been several times that he cries when he is tired only to stop as soon as I pick him up. I probably indulge him a bit more than I did Drew since this is the last baby. Today JC and I went to my doctor for my 6 week check up. All is good and I am officially released from the doctor. It is very different going into the doctors office when you are toting the baby with you on the outside! I thought to myself how you go in there for all those many months thinking that the time for your baby to arrive will never get here. But as you sit there with your newborn you realize just how quickly that time went by and how quickly time is passing now that you have that baby with you. It seems too often I spend my time thinking of the next step I will take, the next phase of my life or the life of my children. I truly hope and pray that I will cherish each moment of each day, not just with the kids but in everything. Life passes so quickly, we need to make the most of it!

Enjoy the pics and feel free to let me know which are your favorites, now we have to decide which ones we will have printed!

Drew actually took this pic. JC is smiling in it!

This pic was taken today, not the best one, but officially a 6wk pic.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Independence Day Celebrations

Well we celebrated the 4th very well in the Mayo household. We started last Sunday (6/28) with our God and Country Day celebration at our church followed by a churchwide luncheon. We did not have evening services that night so we decided to go out to Bellevue Baptist in Memphis where they were having their Starlight Spectacular. This was an outdoor family event with music, food, and fireworks! It was so much fun. Several families from our church went and we all sat together. We took our picnic dinner and enjoyed some wonderful fellowship with friends while listening to some great Christian music. The fireworks were awesome at the end of the night! Drew loved it and was able to expel some of his constant energy! JC did what he does best, slept through the entire thing! It was a tiring night and we all had to work the next day but it was worth it. The following is a slide show of the night.

On the actual 4th of July we celebrated with my family out at my moms. We swam and the guys fished and we enjoyed some ribs that Lou cooked for us along with all kinds of fixings and some incredibly good homemade ice cream! YUMMO!! It was a great day of relaxing with the family. I am so thankful to have a loving family that wants to get together whenever we can and just enjoy one another. It was a wonderful celebration of our nations independence. I tried to keep a mindset of thankfulness to our Lord for the freedom that He gives to us because of Jesus' willingness to give His life for each of us. We are so unworthy of that sacrifice but He did it willingly, because He loves each of us that much!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

JC 5 Weeks Old

Well he is now 5 weeks old! Hard to believe that much time has seriously gone by. He is getting big. He will now stay awake for several hours throughout the morning time. He is still getting up every 4 hours to eat, even at night, so no sleeping through the night just yet. He is now officially wearing 3-6 month clothing! He actually wore an outfit on Sunday that Drew wore when he was over 6 months old!! He is still wearing size 1 diapers but we will soon run out of all that we had in that size from shower gifts and he will no longer need them by then b/c we are getting big enough for size 2! He is definitely bigger that his big brother was at his age. He isn't a fat baby really, just long and filling out. Here are some pics of the big boy!

Drew the Photographer

Drew has developed a new love for using my camera. He does pretty good at it sometimes, others are questionable. I put together a slide show of some of the pics he has taken in the last few days.

Drew performing VBS songs

For those of you who are VBS'd out you probably won't care anything about seeing this post! Drew has loved VBS this year, mostly because the theme has to do with trains which are his favorite thing! He has been to 2 VBS's already and has one more to go, our churches is July 13-17. This year he has ask many questions about Jesus and salvation. He is not ready to make a decision yet but it has been so exciting to see that he is beginning to focus in on his need for a Savior. This is exciting and scary all at the same time. As parents we feel so burdened with the responsibility of modeling Christ likeness for him and showing him his need for Jesus. I look forward to being able to disciple our son in his walk with the Lord.

Tonight we had our first "family devotion" time with the 4 of us. We used Drew's new "big boy" Bible that has brief devotion lessons in it. The one we did was about holding grudges and forgiveness. It was really good because we were able to talk about Jesus forgiving us and dieing on the cross for our sins. At the end of the devotion I ask him who he wanted to pray tonight, usually he will not do it but wants me or Jim to do it. Well he ask me to, so I prayed. When I got done he said it was his turn and he prayed the sweetest little prayer thanking God for his mommy, daddy, and for his brother JC. It just about made me cry! He is growing up so fast! He then told Jim it was his turn to pray, so he made everyone pray, except JC but I am thinking since he cannot talk yet that got him off the hook!

Now please understand that while he performs for the camera he most certainly will not do this live at church! He gets such stage fright and just refuses to do it when he thinks people may be watching him, but he sure doesn't mind hamming it up for the camera or showing everyone his videos!
Yes to VBS

Boomerang Express
video to come soon