Friday, February 26, 2010

There are never enough hours in the day...

I have had all intentions of updating the blog for over a week now! However, as usual, our crazy, hectic, non-stop life has kept me from it! But I guess we have to have all that stuff going on in order for me to have something to blog about, right?!?!

Well lets get caught up. Today JC is 9 months old! I cannot believe it! I was thinking earlier about what life was like one year ago. I was pregnant and pretty miserable and highly anticipating the arrival of my little boogy. Now I want time to slow down so I can enjoy all the important moments with him that seem to be flying by. Let me update you on all his stats. He weighs a little over 20lbs. I cannot remember his exact height measurement, I think it was 29 inches. You see we went to the doctor last week. We were supposed to go today but Drew ended up having to go, that story will be part of his update, but anyway we went. So the doctor is all amazed at how long he is and starts asking me how tall I am. Well I told him I am 5'1". He ask me how tall my husband is, and since I really don't know Jim's height I guess at 5'6" or 5'7", I think my guess was off slightly, cannot remember what he told me now! Anyway, the doctor is like telling me about how JC is at the very tip top of the growth chart on his height and how amazed he is by that given that me and my husband are not tall people. So I kinda got the impression that he was implying that JC might be the "milkman's" baby! Seriously, I am sure he will grow into that height as some point, but he is really long and really heavy! I went back to Drew's baby book to see what he weighed at 9mon. Drew was just over 17lbs at this point! He did not even weigh 20lbs until he was 15mon! So I am not really sure how we ended up with a giant baby this time but we did. And since he is so big he obviously has a giant sized appetite to go along with it! The boy puts away a FULL bowl of cereal every morning along with a bottle of formula. At lunch and dinner he eat two full jars of food and usually wants to follow that with a good helping of puffs and a full cup of juice. He stills gets a "night, night" bottle which is now about 9-10oz and a morning bottle that is 8oz. The lady at the day care said "he likes his groceries", I like that and she is right, he does!! He has developed quite an attachment to his mama. I am sure that I make it worse but inside I know that he is the last baby and I indulge it more than I really should. He will even cry for me rather than Jim some now. He actually cried when I left him at the daycare this week for the first time. He only did it one day so it is not habitual yet, but I think that may be coming. He does cry every afternoon when I get there until I actually pick him up. And if they have to change his diaper when I get there, which is most days because he has been asleep, he cries the entire time they are changing him! He is not yet mobile, and I am kinda glad! He is very grabby and kinda bad at times! He HATES being put on his stomach! He can get up on his legs and arms like he is going to crawl, he can even rock back and forth but will not go forward or backward. He just does not like it! Now what he does like is standing! I have stood him up next to a chair a few times and he if figuring out how to hang on and stand up. He can pull himself up from a sitting position with just a little help. So I will not be surprised if this one bypasses crawling all together and goes straight for coasting around the furniture . He is very strong! He can say mama and bubba, but he will not say daddy or dada! As a matter of fact when you try to get him to say it he will usually either say mama or shake his head no! He is rotten people! He jabbers all the time though. He keeps himself occupied in the car everyday by taking his socks off! Most days I just take him in the daycare without them on because he refuses to leave them on, the boy likes to be barefooted! Thank goodness for footed pjs!

Well, let me move on to Drew. He has had an interesting few weeks. We have had a conference with the teacher since school went back after Christmas due to him getting N's on his report card. We just did not understand the problem. His school work is great. He knows his skills and is really doing good on sight words, writing, math, etc. The N's were for not listening and not following directions. When we met with the teacher she indicated that he seems to be daydreaming and not paying her any attention. Jim and I both suspected that he may be bored because he did have the skills down. So we ask the teacher to begin moving his race car off track (their classroom discipline tool) when he was not listening. We talked to him about the listening and we prayed about it with him. The teacher even told us that after the new year they had talked about New Years Resolutions and Drew had drawn a picture of his showing him sitting at a desk and the teacher standing there and wrote that he wanted to listen better. So he obviously knew that he needed to do better in this area. Jim and I began to notice more and more at home that we were having to speak very loudly to get his attention. Well a couple of weeks ago Jim and I realized it was getting really bad. So we talked to a friend from church that is a school nurse about checking his hearing. She came to the house and did it and he heard nothing on one side and only heard 2 tones on the other. So she contacted our school nurse the next day and it turned out that the district audiologist happened to be at our school that day and they tested him. Well he failed it again and the test she did indicated that he had fluid in his ears. So I made an appointment with the doctor last Thursday. That is why JC ended up at the doctor last week instead of today. They checked his ears and they were full of fluid and puss. So we are now on antibiotics. He is already hearing so much better. I really suspect that he has had that going on for months now and just got really bad in the last few weeks. He even told Jim one morning earlier in the week that the water sounded funny while he was brushing his teeth but Jim told him it was just that he could actually hear the water now! They will test his hearing at school again in about another week and let us know how he does. I am sure if he does not pass it this time we will have to see a ENT but hopefully that was all it was. He has had a much better week at school this week too, has not gotten in trouble one day!

Here are the pics of the two of them at the doctor...

Here is a video of the kids, and yes at the end of it Drew lets JC fall over. I promise no one was hurt in the making of the video! Just one more thing for JC to add to the running list of things to one day retaliate against his brother for! I am telling you, one day that big brother is gonna get it from the not so little one!!

Honestly I have so much more I would like to write but this post is already so long now as it is! I will try to post again in a few days. I do want to leave you with a quote from a book I am reading, actually I do not have the book with me so I will have to paraphrase it. Basically is was talking about our never ending "to do" list. If you know me very well I am a major list person, I have a list for everyday of the week and I live by the list! But I often feel like there is never enough time to do all the things on my list. The point of what I was reading is that we often use our "to do" list as an excuse for not spending time with God. The quote was that while there will never be enough time for all the thing on our "to do " list there is always enough time for the things on God's "to do" list. I am learning that because He is an all-powerful, mighty God, He makes it possible for me to get done all the things I HAVE to get done if I only put Him first! I love Him so much for that!

Well, that is it from the Mayos for now!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Catching Up

Well it has been another snow day here in Northwest Mississippi. We have now officially missed 4 days of school. I am happy to say that this time there was actual snow though! And I have the pics and videos to prove it! We had a really good time playing in it all this morning. Now it is raining/sleeting. The rain has managed to knock our snowman down already. I was rather disappointed but Jim did not feel the need to go out and fix him. JC even got to have some fun in the snow. He seems to be fearless and wants to experience everything, very different than Drew at that age! Now we are spending some time just chillin in the house. It is nice to have a day like this where we can just sit and relax. We have been so busy lately. Jim has been working most weekends right now, so it is especially nice to have a day to spend with him. I know it will be difficult to get all the work done at the office this week but it will be worth it I think!
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Jim beginning to build the snowman, and Drew throwing snow on him!

Showing JC the snow for the first time!

JC getting to play in the snow in Jim's truck bed.