Friday, July 18, 2008

Vacation Bible School

Well, Drew has just finished two full weeks of Vacation Bible School. He has had so much fun. He did so good last night at Parent's Night. He actually stood on stage and sang all the songs. This is quite an accomplishment from the last time he was to stand on stage with the children's choir. That day he came running to me crying as soon as the song started! We have it all on film! They sang I think 3 songs. I filmed him on 2 of them.

He was much more into doing the hand motions than the singing part. It was so much fun to see all the kids perform. It was a wonderful week where many seeds of salvation were planted. I know of 1 young lady that prayed to receive Christ as her Lord.

Well after the program we went outside for the carnival. This was a good time, but so hot! There were two moonbounces, a dunking tank, and several other games. There were kids everywhere and many, many families that were visiting our church. I have a couple of shots of him at the carnival, so here they are...

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