Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Can it just be winter already!

I am normally not a big complainer and I typically see that glass as half full but I am so stinking tired of the weather we are having! I feel like I have been sick continuously for the past 4 months, and yes that would be the duration of my pregnancy to date. I am constantly sneezing and sniffling. The reason why would be the constant up and down weather we are having! Today's forecast for my area might as well be technically termed, YUCK! It is rainy and cold, by the way that was yesterday's forecast as well. But, hold on, for those of you who just do not like the cold you will love Thursday and Friday because we are going sky rocket by into the 60's. This will mean that by Saturday morning I will have another scratching throat and headache. I am so ready for some freezing temps that will be here for a 2-3 week period! Maybe then we could finally kill off all the nasty cold germs that are floating around. I am ready for snow, and dare I say it, even some ice! Come on old man winter, send us some seasonal weather!

P.S. Please note that I am having an extremely stressful week at work, and it is only Tuesday. Also I am pregnant, so most of my thoughts at this point in time are crazy and irrational, so I cannot be held responsible for the silly rant that this post is!


Jon and Kelly Pack said...

I have heard that it it is legal in some states to kill people if you are a pregnant woman!

calista said...

I second your weather request with a hearty AMEN!!

Laura said...

Sorry you had a bad week! had to be the staff there hahahahahahaha!!