Thursday, September 17, 2009

A New Look!

Well as you can see I felt that it was time for a new look to the blog! I wanted to add the pics to the banner so that it would be a bit more personal. I hope you like it!

There are many things rolling around in my mind and my heart today. Let me begin by asking prayers for our dear friends the Strawns. They had a baby girl last night at just 29 weeks gestation. Thus far she is doing well. This is their second child and they had the same type of problem with their first. He is now 6 and is Drew's "best, best friend!". I am praying that God will allow this precious baby girl to be another little miracle like their son. Of course hearing this kind of news from people you are close to reminds you of how incredibly blessed you are. I have no right to complain or ever get put out with my children. They are a blessing. I do wish that I would remember that more often without have to be reminded through devastating circumstances. So this is my way of saying, be thankful and take just a few minutes to tell God just how gracious He has been in your life. You know we are all undeserving of His love and mercy.

Now for a devotional thought. This morning my Journey devotion was from the passage in Romans 8:1-17, about life through The Spirit. God really spoke to me through verse 3-4
For what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the sinful nature, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in sinful man in order that the righteous requirements of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit.
What God really spoke to me about was the magnitude of the fact that the "law" is powerless to save us! No one has the capability to live a perfect life because of sin. Jesus had to be sacrificed. There was no other way. He chose to come and take the likeness of sinful man to become the sacrifice. He did this fully knowing that some would never choose to give their lives to Him. Because I have accepted His gift of salvation I now do not live according to my sinful nature but according to the Spirit! Now that does not mean I do not sin, because I do! What is means is that I am no longer a prisoner of sin! The chains have gone and I live freely in the Spirit. As a result of the Spirit in me I am fully aware through conviction of my sin and shortcomings and therefore must seek forgiveness from my Savior. But the point of what I want to say today is that I am truly free from the misery of sin because of my salvation through Jesus Christ! Do you know Him that way? If not don't wait another day! I would be happy to share with you the way!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok first of all it shows just how much I pay attention. I have never before noticed the little web site link on your FB untill today. I had no idea you had a blog. I have spent all morning reading old stuff at work when I should be working. Also this was very sweet of you to mention us even if I did not get a chance to read it until 6 months later.