1. You eat 3 meals a day,
breakfast - baby oatmeal and formula
lunch - vegi, fruit, 4oz juice
dinner - vegi, fruit, 4 oz juice
You still have a bottle in the morning and at night which are 7oz each. Your favorite foods seem to be squash, pears, and applesauce. You still love the food I make for you but we do buy the baby fruits as well as some vegis.
2. You typically sleep at night from 9pm-5am for a total of 8 hours. You take a morning nap and an afternoon nap which are both about 2-3hours long. You nap at daycare even in the midst of all the chaos of the baby room and yet at home you want it to be totally silent. You have started sleeping mostly on your side but have also done some sleeping on your tummy now that you can turn over to it.
3. You like to play on the floor and are able to turn yourself from your tummy to your back and from you back to your tummy. You have not managed to make a full rotation yet but you are close. You can even get your legs up under neath you sometimes, so crawling may not be too far off!!
4. You like to hold toys and beat them against the floor or your car seat, kinda makes me think you may be a little drummer! What ever you have in your hands you are waving it back and forth.
5. Another favorite thing you like to do is to sit in my lap and rock your body back and forth, not really sure why you like this, maybe it is just that you are learning to control your body motions.
6. Teeth are hopefully on the way. You still drool a LOT! You have had some really bad diapers lately too which make me think it is coming. I sure hope so! Occasionally you are in an ill temper and I think that it must be due to the teeth.
7. You LOVE bath time. You will just sit and kick your legs and splash that water! You truly seem to love being in the water. I am looking forward to swimming with you next year!
8. Right now you are wearing size 6-9mon clothing and even have a couple of blanket sleepers that are 12 mon, but they run small. You are definitely a big boy by comparison to your brother.
9. You like to "talk". Well, your version of talking anyway. You do say mama quite a bit, although I do not think you use the word because you want me,just that you want something. Like to be held, eat, bottle, everything seems to get mama right now.
10. You have a few favorite people! Ms. Deb from church, you know her pretty well now. She keeps you in the nursery on Sunday mornings. Lauren at the daycare. I can ask you if you are ready to see Lauren when we arrive in the mornings and you get all excited! I am so grateful for all the wonderful people who take care of you at daycare and at church!
So that is pretty much where JC is at these days! I have put together a photo album of his first 5 mon, I will probably do another one for 6 mon. Enjoy!
Make a Smilebox photobook |
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