Well I don't really have time to be on here blogging but I am going to do it anyway because I really want to do better at posting this year. I have allowed Facebook to take the place of this a bit and I know that there are so many little things happening everyday that I am failing to document. This blog is more than just a place for pics but a journal of our lives. So with that said lets get kinda up to date.
I hope you all like the new blog design. I wanted something kinda wintery but girly too. I like this. Not too sure how long I will stick with it, I tend to get bored with it and want something new, but we will see!
School started back today. I was glad and sad all at the same time. Glad because we needed to get back on a regular schedule. Sad because it is so hard to get back on schedule! Drew told me yesterday that he likes home more than school. My response to him was that I really like home more than work but we just cannot do that everyday! However, I know that if I did get to stay at home each and every day that I would eventually go nuts. I mean you can only get a house so clean and eventually all laundry is washed except what is on your back! I do think I would enjoy it for about a month and then I would be ready for work and adult interaction again. I am praying that today will be a good day for all my boys! Jim has a very challenging semester ahead of him, truthfully he is already wishing for Spring Break. I reminded him last night that as he wished the school year away that is actually wishing that time with the kids away to as they are both growing up so fast, especially JC. In a way I am glad that it is this time of year because it is somewhat slower around the house in the evenings and weekends. I guess because there is no yard work to be done and we don't go places to much because we are broke from December! Anyway, the last few days have been really nice and rather relaxing around the house.
Now on to other subjects. If you are reading this post from somewhere other than the Desoto County area let me just tell you that it is FREAKING COLD HERE! 22 degrees is to be exact at this moment. I honestly cannot remember having this much cold weather in my entire life. Our heat at home is hurtin trying to keep our house warm. I think that we will be lighting up the gas logs this week because we have a strong chance of snowy/winter weather coming. For those of you who know me well you know it is pretty serious if I ask Jim to fire up the logs! Additionally, since having JC and losing so much weight I now have the new colder nature. I am used to being hot all the time but now find myself quite comfy sitting in my office with the thermostat set to 73 and the space heater blowing on me less than 4 feet away. Different for me for sure! I am beginning to think that my feet will just be numb until spring. This morning as I was getting dressed I actually contemplated putting on 2 pairs of socks and then got all giddy thinking of possibly purchasing wool socks and wondering if they carry those at Wal-Mart! Even with the extreme cold I am really hoping for some snow. Drew is so excited about the prospect of playing in it and I would just love to see JC's reaction to it. We will see what the next few days bring!
I will be starting my second weight loss challenge next Monday. I am so excited and ready! I have definitely put on a few pounds through the holiday. I am back exercising full force but I am having a really hard time getting my eating habits back in line. It has been a struggle. I know that it is due to eating lax for about 3 weeks and now I am trying to go back to the complete opposite of that. Pray for me in this. I am determined to see this journey through. I want to lose 40 more pounds by June and vacation, that is the goal. I lost 22lbs on the last weight loss challenge and I will have 2 more before vacation, so if I can pull off 20 in each one then I will hit my goal. Of course it is a lifestyle change. That is what I have realized over the last few weeks is that I still have some bad habits that need to not just be broken but destroyed. I cannot fall back into old patters. I am serious ya'll, pray for me! I want to whip this thing!
Well that is the update for now! I will try to get on here and post more of what is going on with us on a regular basis. Hope your new year is off to a fantastic start!
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