Well he finally did it! He is crawling!
They told me that he did it yesterday at daycare, so last night we got him down on the ground and got the camera out and sure enough he did it. We even got Drew out of the bed so he could see him. He is growing so fast! Of course today he is 10 months old. It has really gone by so very quickly and now that he is making such huge milestones, like crawling and eating table food, it is making him seem so grown up already. I am really looking forward to next weekend and spending some time with family through the Easter holiday so they will get to see how much he is changing.
For an official 10 month updates, here of some of the things JC does
*sits up and now crawls, although what he really likes to do is pull up on your hands and stand, he wants to walk really bad!
*eats all solid foods now and has begun to drink real milk with meals. He still has a morning and bedtime bottle of formula.
*still only has the one tooth, although now the other front bottom tooth is just beginning to peak through.
*sleeps through the night about 90% of the time, but does occasionally think he needs a midnight snack bottle!
*Says mama, bubba, da da, and now bye and will wave. He likes to say bye at bedtime too, especially to his bubba!
*Cries when I leave him at daycare about 2 mornings a week, he is really a mama boy! He cries EVERY afternoon when he sees me walk in the door until I make it to him and pick him up.
*Now only takes a paci at bed times and only at home (they do not give it to him at all at daycare anymore).
*Favorite toy seems to be the leapfrog drum. He can really keep a good beat! I need to video that for the blog.
As a side note about all the food he is eating now. Yesterday they gave him breakfast and lunch at daycare. Normally they fed him just baby cereal for breakfast . So yesterday he had for breakfast 1/2 a poptart and 1/2 a banana along with a cup of milk. For lunch he had beefy macaroni, pineapple, carrots and a roll! Then for dinner at home he had a chicken nugget, green beans and pears with 2 cups of milk and then ate cheese puffs while he sat in his chair during our dinner time! He is a piggy!!
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