Speaking of Drew, he has been having some really good days lately! We have been having some behavior issues with him at school. I think that it has been due to him being bored for one thing and being in a small group at school with some other rather rambunctious boys. Drew is a follower and wants others to like him. This seems to cause him some problems at times. But I am happy to say that for the entire month of April thus far he has kept his race car on track at school. He has been very excited about doing so well. I have to say that it has been a very frustrating time for Jim and I. We truly have felt that there is nothing else we could do to correct Drew's behavior. It has been a situation that we have just had to give all the way over to God's control. That is really hard for me. I am a fixer and I want to just put the pieces together and make it right. It has been a good thing over all because it has helped both Jim and I to walk closer to the Lord through it. I just love my sweet, sensitive little man! He has started doing something really sweet, he will tell me he has a secret to tell me and when I get really close to his face he will make kissing sounds, not actually kissing me, but it is so sweet! He is my sweet, lovey boy! He actually keeps telling his daddy that he is going to marry me and that he needs to get a new wife! HA!! I will have to keep those memories locked inside for the days when he is a teenager and tells me things like I am ruining his life and that he hates me.
Now for some stuff on JC. He is just growing more and more each day. As you can see from the pic above he is beginning to try to stand up on his own. He is on his knees there but he will soon be pulling all the way up to his feet. He has developed this new soooo cute smile! He grins so big that his entire face is all squished up and you can see those two little teeth in there! I have not been able to get a pic of it just yet but I will. Of course he continues to eat VERY well! He has not found a food he does not like yet! He has started making kissing sounds. We are trying to get him to use his hand to blow the kisses but he has not gotten that yet. He will say bye but typically waits until the person you want him to say it to is gone and then he does it! He is crawling everywhere and is getting to be very fast. He actually has started getting into things a good bit. He is an explorer! Drew was never bad about trying to get in cabinets and grab cords and stuff. We are going to have to be very vigilant to watch this little sneeker!
In this video they are both playing with their bouncy balls. JC got one for Easter from my aunt and Drew has been trying to play with it since we got home with it! So I had Jim take him to the store and he bought one with his allowance money. He kept trying to dribble it, apparently they do that at school. I don't think we have to worry that we have the next Michael Jordan on our hands, but he had a lot of fun playing with it!!
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