Friday, July 23, 2010

The Story

Okay, here is the JC story that I promised.

CAUTION: Memaws and Nanas procede with caution. This story will contain material that may alarm and shock you!

As I mentioned before, JC has learned to be very mischevious. Especially when there is only one parent at home and it seems to be particularly bad when it is his mama that he is left with! Monday Jim had a meeting at the school and I was home with the kids. They had been bathed and were completely ready for bed but it was a bit early to put JC down. I was trying to finish up cleaning the kitchen. Drew was watching a movie and I decided that he and JC could play with his Thomas Trains together. We got them out and I made sure they were all acceptable sizes that they did not pose a hazard to him swallowing any. So I am back and forth in the kitchen checking on them. The first thing he decided to get into was the puzzles that are stacked on a table in the dining room. Since I could see him from the kitchen I knew that he was getting into them and went in, popped his bottom and told him "no!". I headed back to the kitchen only to return a few moments later to him trying to pull on the blinds in the dining room. Again a pop on the bottom and a stern no. This time I put him on the rug, in the living room, surrounded by dozens of trains. You would think he would just play with the trains, right! So I went back in the kitchen. I was now done with all my kitchen duties and was pouring myself a coke with the intent of sitting in the recliner to supervise the playing. Now I was literally only gone for the short span of time that it takes to get a cup from the cabinet, coke from the fridge, pop the top and pour. I hear Drew gasp, knowing that this was going to be followed by a report of what his brother was doing wrong, I simply waited for Drew to come report. He comes running into the kitchen to tell me that JC is in the rocks in the fireplace. I take off running into the living room to find him in front of the fireplace surrounded by about 15 little rocks from the gas logs and reaching in to get more. I immediately popped his hand and told him "NO!". He starts crying which causes me to see that his mouth is FULL of rocks. Now I am freaking out! I dig rocks out of his mouth and am panicking about whether or not he may have swallowed one. My first reaction was to call Jim and get him home but I managed to pull it together and calm myself slightly. I accessed him and realized that he was breathing fine and seemed completely okay. So I decided to call my friend whose husband is a medic with the volunteer fire department, sorry Scott I do not know the technical term! I ask them what I needed to do and he assured me that if he was breathing okay and able to drink and not have any issues then he was most likely fine but may have still swallowed a small one. Thankfully he was breathing and drinking fine and we have not seen any evidence on the "other end" to indicate that he did swallow any. I made him sit in the recliner with me for the remainder of Drew's movie. He was not happy with me for containing him! I kept him up a bit later than normal just to make sure he was breathing just fine. Later after I had put him to bed I sat down with Drew and told him how proud I was of him. That he had done just the right thing by coming and getting me so quickly and probably saved his brother's life. It was probably the scariest moment of my life when I saw all those rocks in his mouth. I am so thankful that God protected us that evening and that Drew was so vigilant. This boy is quick and kinda bad!

So this little incident prompted me to the next big thing in our house...

Christmas in July!
I decided that maybe a change of toys would get his little mind off doing things that are bad for him and back to playing with toys! So we went up to the attic on Wednesday night and pulled down all the little people toys and mega blocks. As you can see it was much like Christmas morning. Actually we were saving some of these things to be JC's Christmas present, but I have already gotten him one big item from a yard sale and that may just be it this year with all the pay cuts for Jim and all. So they had fun, and Drew is still having lots of fun with the new toys. JC however is already back to his mischevious ways!

Drew has been in VBS all week at our church. He has really had a lot of fun. This makes 2 weeks in a row that he has been at the Saddle Ridge Ranch! Last week he was with me at Longview Point. He told us last night at dinner how he was going to do all the dancing at Parent Night, which was last night. He knows all the moves because we have been singing and doing them at home this week. Well this is what he looked like through the entire program last night...
Yes, he looked mad the entire time. I cannot explain this stage fright he has. When he is in a small group he wants to be the center of attention, but put him on a stage and he is a statue! His brother on the other hand was all smiles and when he saw Drew on stage all he could do was call his bubba and try to wave at him, but Drew would not wave at him, which made him call louder and louder and louder! It was an exciting program trying to contain JC!

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