Things have been pretty crazy lately! I keep thinking that things will slow down soon but I am afraid I am just kidding myself. My blogging is hurting a great deal because we do not have the internet at home right now. We cut it off when the school year started due to Jim getting a pay cut. We do hope to turn it back on after the first of the year. Jim has work that he can do from home if we have it and right now he is having to go to the school all the time in order to do it. So I hope that I will be more current on my blogging then. For the time being though I will just continue to do the best I can! We started off this week pretty rough. Last weekend I went to the Flea Market in Tupelo with my mom and sister. We had a great time. It had been a while since we had gotten to do this. I actually bought the very first of my Christmas presents while there so that was great. I got home that afternoon about 3:30 and just as I arrived home my best friend, Stephanie, was dropping off her girls for the night! I was really excited to have "my girls" to spend the night and to go with us to church on Sunday. I had thought about all the great things we could do together, like paint our nails and all watch a movie! Well it just did not all go like that! Jim was not feeling good at all. He had already been sick for most of that week and was putting off going to the doctor. It ended up just being a non-stop afternoon and evening of just getting dinner ready and getting them all to bed. By the time Jim and I got back to our room for the night we were pretty wiped out. And, by then they had gotten a bit too loud and woke up JC so he was in our room, wide awake! He ended up going back down for us pretty easily about 10pm. I then went into the bathroom to do my normal routine of taking out contacts, washing my face, and brushing my teeth. Apparently as I took my contact out of my right eye I scraped the surface of my eye with the tip of my finger. It hurt soooo bad! It made it very difficult to go to sleep that night. Sunday morning it was still really bad and I of course could not get my contacts back in. We manage to get everyone ready and get to church though. It was not my best Sunday! It was hard to see and my eye just constantly watered. We ended up eating lunch with our friends in order to get the girls back to them. We went home and put everyone down for a nap. We went back to church that evening for our Operation Christmas Child box collection service. Drew sang with the children's choir and did so well. He did not act scared or upset at all. It was a very sweet service as we listened to a woman share about her experience of actually taking the shoeboxes to a country in South America for the distribution. She showed pictures of children living in a dump, an actual dump. It just made my heart ache for the poverty all around our world. We just do not realize how blessed we really are. This year we are not doing nearly as much for Christmas as we have in the past, and Drew knows this. With pay cuts and unexpected repairs to our home we are just not able to do much. Even the little we are doing though is so much more than the kids that will be getting the shoeboxes. I cannot thank God enough for how He provides over and above our needs. Sunday night Jim and I had made the decision that it was going to be a doctor visit on Monday for both of us, as well as JC. JC was all congested and following his typical pattern of getting an ear infection. So Monday morning started off at the doctor's office. It was determined that all of us had sinus infections, Jim had an ear infection, and JC was close to an ear infection. My eye was okay, just scratched. Jim and I both got sinus shots, I got a flu shot, and we all got prescriptions for antibiotics. I am happy to report that we are all feeling much better now. Jim is still having some issues with his ear being closed up but it is improving. It was extremely bad infection in his left ear. He has a football game tonight and I have instructed him that he must wear some cotton in both ears to keep the infection from returning. It has made for a really long week and extra busy at work due to missing a day. Thankfully we have no plans for this Saturday other than cleaning our filthy house!! The house must get cleaned this weekend so that we can begin decorating for Christmas next week. I really don't even care to decorate! I know that is aweful but I am having a really off year when it comes to Christmas. I seem to go through cycles like this. I am either really excited and ready for it or I am dreading it. This year I am dreading it. I can say that I have now just about gotten my shopping done so that has helped a bit with my attitude about it. Also, I think that it is going to be a hard year for decorations with JC. He is quite the mischevious little boy! I think it is going to be a lot of fun for the actual Christmas activities with him this year.
Well, that is all for now. I am finishing up this post on my phone, which is much more complicated than on computer!
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