Saturday, October 1, 2011

Goofy Fun

It has been crazy busy the past couple of weeks. It is our busy time of year anyway but there are weeks in there that always end up extra busy. It is hard to find time to just unwind and relax when it is like this because it seems that the only time we stop is when it is bed time! So, it was really a treat this past week to just have some down time on Monday evening and to be able to just laugh!

On my iPad I have an app called Photo Booth, which allows you to take pictures with some interesting and often funny effects! I several pics of my nephews while I was over there that afternoon and then again at home that night with the kids. So here they are:

My nephew Ben

My nephew Nathan

Double take of JC

Drew, of course he loved getting his picture taken! He is always a big ham and more than willing to pose!

This one is from today, just me and JC having fun together!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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