Well we saw the doctor this morning. Surprisingly I was only there an hour and a half! That is probably a record! The ultrasound showed him looking great, although getting cramped in there. They estimate his weight at 5lbs 8oz. That is still within average range (72 percentile). They said unless he was showing to be in the 90 percentile they would not consider him to be getting too big. He still has plenty of fluid around him. So all is good, just generally getting to the uncomfortable point, probably for me and him! Everything is still on track for a scheduled c-section on May 26, although we still do not have a time on it b/c the patient rep has not gotten it scheduled yet! I will reserve my personal comments on that for now. Lets just say that on my next visit I have to meet with her for the "you owe us money, when are you paying up" chat and I will certainly let her know how I feel about her failure to schedule this child's birth if it is still pending then! But enough about all that! I do not have to go back for 2 weeks, YAAHOO!!!!! That I am very glad about. Time seems to go a little more quickly when they are spread out a bit and that will mean only 4 more dr visits before delivery. She felt like things were just to good with my blood sugars and him to justify me coming in there next week. I was ecstatic because I am already taking 2 days off next week for a field trip and a ladies retreat so I wasn't really sure how the dr visit would fit in. Next visit will only involve a NST (non-stress test fetal monitoring). She indicated that when I go in the first week of May they will do another ultrasound that will probably be the last if all looks good.
So overall I feel like we are getting really close! It helps to know the next time I have to go in will be the last day of April and I will be over 35 weeks!! I was 36 weeks and 4 days when my water broke with Drew, so we will see!!
I do have some pics of today's ultrasound but I left them in the car, so I will get them later and scan them in. Bye for now!
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