Well I am a little behind on getting to my blog from all the Easter Weekend fun. We are in the midst of a very busy week. We spent Friday and Saturday at Jim's mom's house and had a wonderful time and then spent Sunday at my mom's. Last night we had a concert at the school for the High School Band and tonight is the Middle School concerts. So as you can see we have been busy! I am actually staying home tonight because of the lengthiness of tonight's concerts. I am trying to do a little freshening around the house by washing the sheets and getting the floors vacuumed. Jim leaves for San Antonio tomorrow afternoon. He will be gone until Sunday at noon. I am trying to be incredibly whiny about it and make him feel bad! Seriously though it is pretty close to this baby's arrival for him to be gone for that length of time! I told him he needs to have a back up plan for if I were to go into labor or something. I am sure Drew and I will be fine though. I have a dr appointment tomorrow morning and another ultrasound so we will see how all is checking out then. They should do growth measurements on him to so we will see just how big a boy he is right now. That is about all that is going on in our world right now, just staying really busy! As you will see below I have made a slide show of our Easter activities. I do not know why I did not get my camera out at mom's but I did not. They ended up not getting to hunt eggs due to rain but my brother brought his Wii and the kids, and adults, loved that! My sister and I ended up scoring the highest score, 174 each, not bad for a pregnant lady!! Drew bowled a 154!! I was amazed! I think we will be looking into getting a Wii this year! It was a fun day even though it got rainy and cold. So enjoy the pics below!
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