Saturday, May 30, 2009

Ups and Downs

Well we have just about completed two full days of being at home. The last 24 hours have been a little difficult with JC. He is having terrible gas problems. We actually went to Wal-Mart this morning and bought some new bottles that are designed to keep so much air from getting to the baby as they are feeding. He did excellent with the new bottle the first time we used it. Actually Elizabeth gave him the first feeding in the new bottle. Now Jim and I have tried 3 times since then and had a terrible time with him. He just fights us no matter what and is obviously in pain with his stomach. He is drawing his legs up and just making his body go rigid on us. So we are struggling at this point to get 1oz in him at a time. He is not wanting to eat it seems due to all the pain he is in. So tonight Jim went to Wal-Mart to buy a small can of the Gentlease formula to try out and see if this will help any. That is what we had to give to Drew. It has less lactose in it. So we will see. I am praying that this will do the trick. It is very difficult to have him getting so upset all the time. Please pray that we will be able to work through these issues soon and have him more comfortable.

On a more up note, tonight we went to church for a potluck fellowship for the Worship Choir. It was nice to get out for a short amount of time and be with friends from church. Now tomorrow is going to be a very special and busy day. My cousin, Jamie, is getting married tomorrow. JC and I will be staying home from church in the morning in order to save our energy for the big event tomorrow night. Jim and Drew will go to Sunday School and church in the morning. The wedding is tomorrow evening at 5pm. Drew and I were talking about the wedding as I was getting him ready for bed tonight. He wanted to know all the details. I explained to him that Jamie and Ben would be married just like mommy and daddy are. He of course had to ask why. I told him that when you grow up you find someone to marry that you love. He then told me that he wanted to grow up and marry me. I just melted at that!! I told him that I was already married to daddy and he said "but I want to marry you." I did not try to explain it any further from there, I just told him that was very sweet and I love him and tucked him on into bed. I just love my boys!

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