Monday, June 1, 2009

Catching Up

Well it has been an interesting couple of days. As an update to my last post we now have JC all settled and discovered that what the problem was is that he only likes the nipples that are used on the bottles at the hospital! Picky little boy isn't he! So I gathered up all the ones we had left which total 4 and we are now using those on the new bottles that we bought. This is working great and he is most happy and eating, sleeping, pooping and peeing and usually in that order! I had some real issues with pain over the weekend but I am now much better and over all we are all doing great and just enjoying so much being home together and rather dreading the fact that I have to go back to work part time before long.

Drew has been going to swimming lessons since last Tuesday. He is doing great and enjoying it. I am so glad that we have done this. We want him to enjoy swimming and know what to do if he ever fell in the water or out of a boat or something. We should be able to watch the end of the class on Thursday and see all that he has learned so I am sure I will have photos of him then. Here is a picture of the big brother feeding his little brother. He did such a good job at this!

This morning we enjoyed our first outing to the park. We had a wonderful time. The weather was wonderful although we did get a bit hot before we came home. The slide show to follow is of our morning at the park. Enjoy!

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