Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Drew's Baptism!!

Sunday was a wonderful, happy day! Of course, we know that the most important thing for Drew was when he ask Jesus to be the Lord of his life on October 27, but, following that up with the obedience of baptism was a true blessing. I cannot really describe that feeling. It is something I have thought about often in the last several years, knowing that soon we would come to a point of Drew being ready to make this decision. It was just a moment of pure joy and peace, knowing that my sweet baby boy was now a child of the King! He was so very excited on Sunday morning when we headed to the back to prepare for the baptism. He got dressed and we had a good 15 minutes to just wait until time for the baptism. He was pacing the floor he was so excited. He kept going up and down the steps and putting his hand in the water and his foot a couple of times! We had time to take a few pictures while we waited...

This is Bro. Alan, our Children's Pastor. He baptized Drew. I actually used to be Alan's secretary when I worked at Longview Heights before Drew was born. He and I have been friends for a long time so it was very special to have him baptize Drew.

Drew was so excited when he was done. He came to the back to get dressed and told me "I cannot believe I just got baptized! I am so glad I did that!". I was so proud of him.

We had a large group of people there to see it. Many of our friends from our old church as well as family got to come and be part of this special day. I am glad that we have pictures and that I have been able to write all this about it so that one day Drew can look back and remember it all!

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