Friday, December 31, 2010

A little bit messy!

Last night we had a good old fashioned dinner! Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans, and rolls! For my meat and tater lovin boys that was a might tasty meal! We decided to just let JC have the spoon and attempt the potatoes on his own. He knows how to eat with spoons and forks, really! I just have chosen up to now to not do this at home for the obvious reason that he will make a huge mess that I then have to clean up! They often gave them foods at the daycare that they would have to use utensils to eat. They also would strip them down to their diapers! Not a bad idea I think. He really did quite well with it though and I must say that he does better with the spoon at his age now then Drew did at that age.

Check out the evidence of some good eatin!

Make sure you look closely at the mash potato on his forehead!

Of course Drew (always the ham, never the humble!) wanted to get his picture taken as well. Daddy decided to be funny and give him bunny ears. But they are crooked bunny ears, which makes him look even sillier, if that is possible!

He had potato everywhere! Even under the table!

We are looking forward to a great holiday weekend! We are having some friends over tomorrow night to bring in the New Year. Hopefully the weather won't be too stormy as they are predicting it to be. I am sure there will be more pics and stories to come after another weekend of celebrating!

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