Monday, February 2, 2009

A Tradition Continued

My parents have made a tradition out of giving each of there grand kids a custom made toy box that my dad builds. Drew received his yesterday. It is absolutely beautiful. It has his name on it and then the picture of a train. For those that know Drew, you know that he LOVES trains! He has really enjoyed this toy box in just the short time that he has had it. He filled it up with toys and stuff yesterday afternoon and of course we had to do a bit of re-arranging in order to get it all in the room. He also thinks he should sit on it quite frequently. We laid his clothes out for school on it last night and he wanted to sit there to dress himself. This is wonderful tradition in our family. I hope that one day this chest will be in Drew's home as an adult being used by he and his wife for their storage needs. Thanks Dad for the beautiful treasure!

1 comment:

Stephanie & Scott said...

It's beautiful....memories are what last a lifetime. Treasure them forever!