Sunday, October 4, 2009

4 Month Doctor Check Up

JC visited the doctor yesterday for his 4 month check up. Here are the stats...
25in long
He is happy and healthy! He is still in about the 75% on his weight but height is right on target. He did really good but of course he cried when he got his 3 shots. The really cool thing that happened is that he actually rolled over from his tummy to his back while we were in the office! It was funny because the doctor had just been in the room to examine him and had ask me if he was rolling over yet. I had told him we were close to it but not yet. Then he left the room and JC then proceeded to roll over!

Let me kinda give a run down of all his activity at this milestone:
-Still sleeping through the night, usually for about 8-9 hours.
-Smiles and laughs A LOT! Very happy and very easy baby.
-Wearing mostly 6-9 month clothing but still some 3-6 mon.
-Likes sitting in his pod seat or playing on the floor. Getting rather tired of the bouncy seat and nearly too long for it.
-Loves to watch his big brother and really loves for him to talk and play with him.
-Eats cereal with fruit for lunch and veggis and fruit for dinner along with a little bit of juice. Still takes 2 morning bottles and one before bed time.

That is all my brain can think of right now! I have some videos to post and will work on that this week, so stay tuned!

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