Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A New Addition to our Household

We purchased a new couch this weekend. This is only the second piece of furniture that Jim and I have actually bought. Everything else has been a "hand me down" so to speak. We are very proud of it and think that it compliments the room very well. We are slowly making our house more of a home! So maybe this time next year I will get new dining room furniture!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Deacon Ordination Service

Jim was officially ordained as a deacon for our church last night. It was a really nice service and we are both deeply honored and humbled that God has seen fit to allow us to serve His church in this capacity. I am putting a few pics of us last night on here. The one of just me and Jim has me turned a bit to the side so you can kinda see the belly. I am not a belly pic kinda person, so this will be the best you will get!!

Our Little Family

Me, Jim, and Jim's mom, Margaret Mayo

Jim, me, and J.C.!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ultrasound Pics

As promised, but a few days late, here are the ultrasound pics from last weeks visit. I just love the one of his foot. Everyone keeps saying how his foot looks big. Maybe this child will be tall! He will not have gotten it from his parents! Drew is definitely on the shorter side for his age. Actually he has always been on the lower end of the growth chart for his age, so we will see how J.C.'s stature stacks up soon enough. Things are still rolling along quite well with my blood sugars. I will see the dr again on March 3, so we will see what she wants us to do then. That will be it for now!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

I want to wish all my family and friends a very Happy Valentines Day! There has been much happening in the Mayo household in the last 24 hours so I will begin sharing with you now. But first the picture above is of my sweet valentine boy this morning. He has had so much fun giving his valentines to momma and daddy. He and daddy have a big cupcake to share. Drew even got a box of chocolate cherry cordials, compliments of his daddy. Personally I think those things are nasty!!

Well I started my day yesterday at the doctor. It was my 24 week check up and that meant the routine glucose testing. Most folks know that I was gestational diabetic with Drew. This was not something I was really happy about or look back at fondly. I had to take insulin injections for about 2 months. So you can imagine how I have not looked forward to this and the anticipation that we may have to travel this road again. Unfortunately I did fail the test. So I am gestational diabetic again. My doctor has been really understanding of my desire to avoid the injections this time. So I am now on a strict diet and will be checking my blood sugar 4 times a day. I am already on an oral medication that is supposed to help control my blood sugar but we can increase the dosage a bit if need be. We will be working on this for the next several weeks to try to control it without having to resort to insulin and seeing a specialist. I would appreciate all the prayers I can get to have the willpower and dedication to stick to the diet and for my body to cooperate. Thus far today I am happy to report that I am getting good blood sugar readings that are right in the target zone that they want me in. It seems that my biggest problem is the first of the morning readings, so obviously my body is not working right while I sleep, but hopefully we can just adjust my night time dosage of medication to help with this. Yesterday was a difficult day for me emotionally. I did not want to have to deal with this but God has a different plan and I know that he will be my strength through this. I cannot do this on my own, it will require HIS power and strength to see me through the remaining 14 weeks of pregnancy. It makes it seem so close to say it that way!! I did have another ultrasound yesterday to check on things b/c I have had some pain and pressure. Everything was great and he was looking good! I will try to post one of the ultrasound pics next week. I have to scan those in at work to be able to do that. So the final report for now on me and J.C. is all is good and although we have hit a little bump in the road God is good and HE will see us through it!

On another topic, it is totally gorgeous out today! I am sitting in my kitchen in my quiet time chair, listening to christian radio as I am typing. I am thoroughly enjoying my Saturday morning. It is quiet here at the house with just Drew and I. Jim is at another honor band today. This one is here at OB Middle so he is close and this is the last one of the year, YIPEE! I have missed having him around on the weekends. He will be home next week and that means the house will finally get a good cleaning. I am doing what I can to maintain it but am limited is what I can do without help. Jim surprised me this morning with a big box of Dove chocolates, my absolute favorite! Of course I cannot eat those now, but he was really sweet about it and I told him to just put them up away where I could not find them and he could bring them to me at the hospital after having the baby, believe me I am looking forward to enjoying those chocolates!! With Jim having been involved is quite a few honor bands the last several weekends Drew and I have spent a good bit of time on our own. Last weekend the honor band was at Northwest Community College in Senatobia, so Drew and I decided to spend the weekend with my mom in Coldwater. Jim was able to come there to sleep rather than driving all the way back to OB at midnight on Friday night. Of course you will recall from my last post that Drew was sick last weekend. We ended up being stuck around the house pretty much the whole time because he was so up and down with how he was feeling. My mom has 2 dogs. One if very old and the sweetest and best dog ever! The other one is a little over a year old and she is absolutely the most spoiled monster dog ever! But we love her mom!! Drew went and got all the toys and piled them on top of old Gretchen! This is the pic I got of it, it was just too funny not get on film and share. Holly is the other dog, a little yorkie, she is not in the pic though. She kept barking because Drew left his monster truck right there also and she was scared of it.

Well that is it from me for today. I hope you are all enjoying a beautiful day! Remember to tell your loved ones Happy Valentines and you love them!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Not So Good Week

Well it has been awhile since I have posted anything, so I figured I should get on here and do something!

Our week started off with a sick kid. Actually he got sick last Thursday and we ended up at the dr on Friday and me missing work. We had the typical "virus". That is basically just a code word for doctors that means "we ain't doing nothin for ya lady". So we spent all weekend running fever and coughing, lovely! It is so frustrating to me to have a child that is sick in this way. When they run fever you cannot take them to school or the sitter, so somebody has to miss work. I must say that I am so very appreciative that my employer is extremely understanding of this and has always been very lenient about me needing to miss work or leave early, etc. So we finally get back to school on Tuesday and went to the sitter. He had a good day on his first day back and we had a good evening. Well that is where the good stuff ends. Wednesday morning we get a call that the babysitter's daughter is now running fever! So we made her sick obviously, makes me feel like scum. Then we go to school and manage to get in trouble for running down the hall and get our lady bug moved! So he spends the afternoon with me at work, that was incredibly productive, and we left work early to go home and deliver punishment for the bad behavior at school. That was completely dramatic but we ended it all by telling him we love him and hugging on him a bit and then left him to play in his room until time to get him bathed and ready for Awana. So all goes fairly well until we get ready to sit down for supper and now he begins complaining of his ear hurting. We brushed this off initially and consider it a tactic to not have to eat a sloppy jo sandwich. But he persisted in the complaining to the point that we called the minor medical clinic to determine how late they would be open. So we then gave him a choice of going to Cubbies or the Doctor, the child chose the doctor. So they take off to the clinic and I go to church. I will spare you all the details but we will just say that it was NOT a good night at Awana! Drew and Jim did not get away from the clinic until about 7:45 and headed to Walgreens to fill the prescription of antibiotic for the, yep you guessed it, ear infection! Jim was told it would be a 20 minute wait, so they perused the toy aisle. I got home and got ready for bed and waited, and waited, and waited, and finally called him. Somehow the 20 minute wait turned into a 45 minute wait! I mean come on! All they had to do was peel the label off the bottle of amoxcil and add the water, people I could have done the in less the 2 minutes! So by the time they get home Drew is an absolute zombie b/c he is so tired. We were barely able to get his clothes changed and in the bed. We did make him pee but I did not even bother with the teeth, and yes I know that is gross but these teeth will all fall out eventually anyway! Now we come to Thursday morning, a bright new day full of wonderful opportunities and absolutely beautiful weather. Thankfully we woke up totally pain free from the ear. We administered the morning doses of meds and left him to eat his breakfast and watch some of Kung Fu Panda. Bear in mind that part of his punishment yesterday was loss of tv/movie/video game privileges and so we woke of most anxious to watch this movie. It just arrived in the mail yesterday from Netflix. He and I left for work/school this morning, all was good. He was somewhat tired but he got to bed late and I knew that once he got going he would be fine. He is like his momma, he is not a morning person! Well I picked him up from school today and low and behold we got in trouble AGAIN! This time we were calling other kids names. I was completely flabbergasted and did not even know how to respond to him! All I could think is "Jim is going to kill him". So we will go home today to administer more punishment, I do not know what that will be yet. I have left it up to Jim. I can assure you he will not be seeing Kung Fu Panda in it's entirety today and probably not in the next couple of days!

I am thankful to report that the babysitter's daughter is better, but now she is sick! So her husband is watching the kids today. I am thinking he is either not real smart or a candidate for sainthood! He is in charge of 4 kids, 3 girls and Drew.

So I am ready for this week to draw to a close. Maybe my valentine will have something special for me this weekend (hint, hint Jim!).

Monday, February 2, 2009

A Tradition Continued

My parents have made a tradition out of giving each of there grand kids a custom made toy box that my dad builds. Drew received his yesterday. It is absolutely beautiful. It has his name on it and then the picture of a train. For those that know Drew, you know that he LOVES trains! He has really enjoyed this toy box in just the short time that he has had it. He filled it up with toys and stuff yesterday afternoon and of course we had to do a bit of re-arranging in order to get it all in the room. He also thinks he should sit on it quite frequently. We laid his clothes out for school on it last night and he wanted to sit there to dress himself. This is wonderful tradition in our family. I hope that one day this chest will be in Drew's home as an adult being used by he and his wife for their storage needs. Thanks Dad for the beautiful treasure!