Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Pregnancy Brain Meltdown!!

I am officially having a brain meltdown with this pregnancy! I thought it was bad after having one child but apparently I am getting worse with the expectation of the second. For those who know me I am a planner and an ultra organized person. I like to think I have it all under control even though I am aware that God really has it covered and does not need my help! Last week I forgot picture day at school for Drew. So my child looked like a mess for his very first school pictures. He was in his July 4th t-shirt, which he is actually wearing in the profile pic on our blog. Not what I had planned for him to wear for this picture but I forgot about it so it didn't matter what I had planned. This incident really played on my expectant mom emotions and I cried all morning about it. I did however make the wise decision not to run out and buy clothes to take up there for him with money we did not have to burn. So I was glad that at least in that I was thinking clearly. Today I forgot his back back and lunch bag, so he had to eat donated snacks and water from the water fountain for snack time today.

In my defense this is a SUPER busy time of year for us with all of the band stuff and football games. So I will say it is a combination of the pregnancy and schedule overload right now! I am ready for November to get here and have a more calm schedule. Even as I typed that I thought of all the chaos that will no doubt be upon us come November and the undeniable fact that Christmas will be fast approaching and I have got to get on the ball with that! It is a never ending cycle I guess.

We will see the doctor next Tuesday. I am getting quite excited and anxious. I am ready to know what the due date is and I am getting so anxious to tell Drew. He is going to be so excited. I ordered him a book titled I Am Going to be a Big Brother and we will give that to him as a "happy" and then tell him the good news. I am taking that day off work and he and Jim will be off for Fall Break. Pray for us as we share the new with him!

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