Wednesday, July 1, 2009

JC 5 Weeks Old

Well he is now 5 weeks old! Hard to believe that much time has seriously gone by. He is getting big. He will now stay awake for several hours throughout the morning time. He is still getting up every 4 hours to eat, even at night, so no sleeping through the night just yet. He is now officially wearing 3-6 month clothing! He actually wore an outfit on Sunday that Drew wore when he was over 6 months old!! He is still wearing size 1 diapers but we will soon run out of all that we had in that size from shower gifts and he will no longer need them by then b/c we are getting big enough for size 2! He is definitely bigger that his big brother was at his age. He isn't a fat baby really, just long and filling out. Here are some pics of the big boy!

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