Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pod Dweller

For those of you who do not know what that thing is my baby is sitting in, it is a Baby Pod. This is a tool I was completely unaware of because when I had Drew 5 years ago this was not a popular, cutting edge, baby must have. Well now it is. The one he is in belongs to my sister. Considering that he will just be 3 months old tomorrow I really did not think he was ready for sitting up in this seat, of course if you know anything about the pod it basically sits them up and teaches them how to get ready for sitting up on their own. Today when I arrived at the day care to pick him up I found him sitting in a pod. I was quite shocked to find him this way, because as I said I did not think he was ready for this! I managed to stay calm and was only mildly testy when I told one of the workers that we had not yet tried this at home! So as I pulled away from the day care I immediately whipped out my cell phone and promptly called my sister. I relayed the story to her and ask her opinion about it. She assured me that it is safe for him to be in it at his age. Now again I remind you that this is contraption that I am highly unfamiliar with, so I was not some over bearing, freak out over anything, mom. So I decided that since they had done it there at day care that I was going to try the thing out at home. So I cleaned it all up and put him in it. Well it turns out he really likes the thing! He can look around really good at all the activity around him, which mind you there is a lot of that around here! Never a dull moment with Drew! So I am giving my mom stamp of approval to the Baby Pod and now declare that my 3 month old is officially a Pod Dweller!!

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