Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Dr visit #2 down, only about 10 more to go!!

Well as you can see I had another ultrasound done yesterday. All was good and the baby is 5x bigger now than 4 weeks ago. VERY active! Baby would hardly be still long enough for the tech to get the heart beat! The heartbeat was good and strong at 178bpm and is measuring at 4.5 centimeters now. So now the size of a very large peanut! When baby was still I could actually see the profile of the face, nose and all! Amazing how all that is there so early on. All was good and on track though. I definitely now have a "baby bump" although most of my cloths do cover it up. I told the dr it just seemed like things were happening too quickly and her response was that because I have had one baby before everything will just stretch faster, so oh well! I had not gained any weight which I was very proud of. So I return for visit #3 on Dec 9. It will be the January visit that we will have the next ultrasound and will hopefully find out whether baby is boy or girl!

1 comment:

Jon and Kelly Pack said...

Oh, it makes me wantto cry! What an awesome opportunity to be able to "assist" God in a miracle!