Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Then and Now

Today we celebrate our 8th anniversary. It is hard to believe that it has really been that long since we said "I do"! It has been a wonderful 8 years. I love my husband so much there are no words to describe it. God has blessed us so incredibly over these 8 years. I do not want anyone to think that they have been 8 perfect years or that we never have rough patches, because we do. I believe that what makes a marriage and family work is to have Jesus Christ at the center of the marriage. It is only because of HIM that we are able to live and live together and raise two precious boys. Thank you God for my husband and our family!

We are also celebrating JC being 1 week old. Wow, it is hard to believe that it has been an entire week already. I can already see that he is changing and looking less like a brand new baby. I pray that I will be able to cherish each day and moment with him, even the ones that are not the most pleasant!

May 26, 2009 Birthday

June 2, 2001 1 Week Old

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