Thursday, June 18, 2009

Umbilical Cord Finally Gone

Well today JC's umbilical cord FINALLY fell off. I am convinced that this is one of the incredibly gross memories of your newborn infant's life that God graciously deletes from your memory because otherwise you would never want to have another child and deal with this again! For 2 days now this icky stub has been oozy and smelling horribly! This morning we inspected it and could see that it was hanging on by one tiny strand in there. So we started the day off hoping that it would go ahead and fall off today. Now here is the story of how it actually came off. We got all ready for our 1pm afternoon feeding, with not electricity in the house again! Apparently they are turning us off periodically as they are working and repairing other lines because this has now happened several times. But back to the cord story, so we got him up from his nap and finally took him out of his pajamas and put him in just a t-shirt and diaper. I dressed him this way because it was getting hot in the house and also I knew that the cord needed to be exposed to the air to help it dry on up. I was giving him the bottle and as usual he did not want to burp for me so I passed him off to Jim to try to get a burp out. Jim worked on him for a while and we were talking about how gross and smelly the cord was and then Jim pulls him back and I saw immediately that the cord was gone! So I pointed this out to Jim and then he freaked out a bit not knowing if it had gotten on him! Fortunately it was on the burp cloth!! It was funny though to see Jim panic just a bit. We cleansed the area really good and now he smells like a sweet baby again and not a bag of smelly garbage!

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