Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Back Pain, Cramps, and more Contractions

Well that is the new trend that has set in. Basically I feel like poo. I am trying to have a positive attitude but for most of you who have been pregnant you can understand reaching that point of constant discomfort and an overwhelming desire for the journey to end. I am rather emotional right now too, just another added bonus. I feel that I could cry about the way I feel at any moment and I would give anything to be able to sit with a glass of milk and a big piece of chocolate, and of course that is something I cannot do right now either! So you should have an idea of how I feel now.

Last night was a very stormy night here in North MS. I was restless all night as the back pain and cramping feeling had begun yesterday afternoon. I woke when the great storms started and stayed awake off and on throughout all of that. During this time having the occasional contraction and feeling the other pains. So I got up this morning, feeling the lack of good sleep, and informed Jim that he needed to be prepared b/c I was not feeling very good. Of course I realize some women feel this way for weeks before delivering their babies, but I am hoping that will not be the case. Hopeful is exactly how I feel right now, hopeful that I can go to the hospital soon with enough labor going on that they will not send me home and just deliver this boy. I told Jim that what I feel right now is not enough to justify going and I will not go back unless my water breaks or the pain becomes unbearable b/c I do not want a repeat of 2 weeks ago. So we wait. I am desperately pleading with God to let me have it happen in the next few days. As of Friday we will be at the exact same gestation point we were at when my water broke with Drew. He was strong and healthy and had no problems and I truly believe this baby is ready too. Of course tomorrow is the dr appointment and we will have an ultrasound so we will see what all that brings. They will check me too, I would love for them to tell me that I am 4-5cm and that they are shipping me right on over to the hospital!!

Please pray for us, I want to ask you to pray it will be soon, but mostly just pray for God's will and that I will have patience and strength for whatever His plan is.

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