Friday, May 8, 2009

A Rather Frustrating Morning

Well if you read the last post you know I spent the morning contracting. We did end up at the hospital at about 5:45am. I contracted all morning. My cervix had progressed since yesterday but because it did not change anymore in the time that we were at the hospital the dr on call for my practice would not go ahead and admit me and deliver JC. This of course was not what we wanted to hear. We tried to talk to the nurse about the fact that Drew was born at almost the exact same gestation as JC is right now, but of course she had no control. The dr never came to see me, only communicated through the nurse. I do not know this dr and have never seen her and my dr is in Italy for 2 weeks. So apparently regardless of what I was told yesterday at the office this particular dr decided she would not handle my situation today. So they gave us a shot to stop the contractions. This did work although I have been contracting now all afternoon. At this point I will have to be in excruciating pain or my water broke before I will return to the hospital. It is hard for me to explain how I am feeling right now. I am tired and frustrated obviously. I have been very content with the fact that this will definitely be over in just over 2 weeks now, but having to go through all of the emotions of thinking today was the day and then being sent back home is tough. I apologize to anyone who has tried to call me today. I have not been talking on the phone, I just have not been in the emotional state of mind to carry on much conversation. I have only talked to my family today. Please pray for us and for me. I don't really know how to ask you to pray, just pray for God to be present and to give us peace.

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