Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Specialist Visit and 4D Ultrasound

Well we saw the Maternal Fetal Specialist yesterday. The visit went great. We had the ultrasound done first which ended up taking over an hour because J.C. was very uncooperative. They ended up getting a weight on him of 3.5lbs but said that is not a good estimate because they could not get good measurements on his head or stomach. He looks great and they said he is just as he should be right now. He passed all the practice breathing test and what not with flying colors. As you can see from the pics we had a hard time getting ones of his face. He had his hands and feet all up in front of his face and he was playing with his toes. It was all very cute, but a little disappointing that he would not let us see too much of his face. The specialist changed my medication for my blood sugar to something new. So far not sooo good. It brought my over night sugars down but too far down as we were up in the middle of the night last night having to get me peanut butter to eat and milk to drink. So it was not the best night but I am contacting the dr this morning about adjusting the dosage. We are incredibly thankful that the medicine is working and I should not have to be on insulin injections. God is good!! So that is all the update for now and enjoy the new pics. I will have another ultrasound next week with my regular ob office but it will not be 4D, but fun just the same!

Here is the hand and foot, right in front of his face! He was playing with his foot by grasping his toes!

Another shot of that foot! He seems to be fascinated with his feet.

First shot of his face. The cloudyness around it is the cord which is right in front of his mouth. Also his mouth is open in this one from yawning. He was very tired of the ultrasound tech!

The best one! Finally let us see most of his face. Still has a good bit of cloudyness from the cord, but isn't the clarity of these 4D images awesome!!

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