Saturday, December 11, 2010

It's Saturday morning and I am blogging from home!!!

I am so excited that we now have the internet at home again! This is a big help to my blogging, obviously! And it is a big help to Jim. He can now post grades and lesson plans from home rather than having to go to the school in the evenings. He has not planning time during the day so he is unable to do those things at school, like most teachers do.

Well, of course, I have some catching up to do!
Last Saturday we had a VERY busy day! We had the annual OB Christmas parade. My friend Stephanie went to the parade with the boys and I. We had a great time! The weather that day was PERFECT! Not too cold, not too hot. The boys had a really good time. Here are the pictures...
Getting ready to leave

Steph and the boys waiting on the parade to begin

Steph's girls are on the top of the firetruck. Scott, her hubby, is standing on the side. He is not the one waving in this pic.

And the highlight of the parade, in my humble but accurate opinion, the OBHS Marching Band!!! Jim actually saw us this year, maybe the first time ever, and actually talked to us!

After the parade Jim and I had to leave to go to my staff Christmas party. The boys stayed home with a babysitter. We had a great time at the party. There was incredibly awesome food and good fellowship with friends. We got home about 8 that night and got everyone ready for bed. Sunday was a pretty low keyed day. We did not have anything special going on and that was nice because the week ahead was going to be a busy one!

Tuesday night Jim had the Middle School Christmas Concerts. They do two of them now, one for 6th grade and another for 7th and 8th. They do them on the same night, they just do not have a large enough auditoriam to have one concert, so they just do them an hour apart. We went to the 6th grade concert at 6pm. We ended up having to just stand on the side because there were no more seats. The boys did great though and seemed to really enjoy the music. It's kinda scary to think that in just 5 more years that will be Drew up there!! We tried to hang out until time for the 2nd concert but it was just too long and too hard so we gave up! It worked out well though because I brought them on home and got them in bed on time.

On Thursday evening I went to the Ladies Christmas Dinner at New Prospect with Stephanie. It was really nice to see everyone from our "old church". I really enjoyed the evening and got to eat some really great food again and enjoy some beautiful entertainment by a gourp of 4 sisters that call themselves All Four Glory.

Yesterday was Drew's Christmas Program at school. It was a western this year. Drew did not have any special parts this year. He did get to sit on the front row though. Here are some pics from the program...

Drew is on the very front row...

This morning Jim is at the Men's Prayer Breakfast at church. This is the first time he has been able to attend. The last one was during band competition season. He was excited about going and was actually picking up a friend from Sunday School so that way he was with someone he knew. The rest of the day is going to be pretty boring. It is raining out today and the temps are a little warmer but there is a massive cold front coming through tonight. The temps over the few days will barely get above freezing and the over night temps will be in the teens!!!!! I am really not feeling well. I have taken a pretty bad cold, which I think I got from JC. He and I shared a spoon one day last week and he has had a running nose going on. I really think that is what started it in me. I am hoping that my body will fight it off without a trip to the doctor. We have our Christmas Program next Sunday morning and while I am not singing a solo or anything I would sure like to be able to sing without being worried about my voice cracking.

I really need to stop typing. JC is getting pretty wild and it trying to get to the computer! I have neglected them for blogging long enough for today. I am snapping some pics this morning so I will try to upload them later today or tomorrow.

I have mentioned that I am excited to have internet at home again!!

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