Thursday, December 30, 2010

Morning Worship

I often get a little testy when Jim gets to stay home from work and I have to go, like right now while he is still on Christmas break. It is a bummer to have to get up earlier than everyone else and leave before my boys even get up. But on the positive side of this I love those days of driving to work alone. I have about a 30 minute drive and when I am alone like this it most often is a time of personal worship through song. This week I bought Chris Tomlin's newest cd, And If Our God Is For Us. I have loved all of his cds and this one is no different! So, this morning as I was driving and listening to the words of the songs and singing along where I had already picked up the lyrics I found myself deeply moved by one song on the album, All To Us. The entire song is awesome but particularly the end when he sings about seeing Jesus face to face and worshipping Him forever just brought chill bumps all over me! I found myself suddenly imagining what it would be like to be in the presence of my Lord and Savior, Jesus, and to be worshipping Him through song! It was an awesome feeling and thought. I hope that you have that same hope of eternity with Christ. If you don't all you need to do is call on His name to save you.

Here is a video of the song. It is just beautiful pics and the lyrics on the screen. It is a long song but I urge you to watch it all the way through and really focus on the words of the song. I hope it blesses your day just as it did mine!

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